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2021 Legislative Wrap Up

Big successes for early education, children and families this year! We had a very successful 2021 legislative session.  Three legislative proposals were introduced on TQEE’s behalf, and we endorsed another six.  Additionally, TQEE endorsed and advocated in support of the Governor’s legislative package presented in a special legislative session on education called by Governor Lee in January. A Strategic…

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Governor Lee’s Education Bill Package is a Strong Start for Tackling TN’s Early Learning Gap

TQEE actively supported the Lee administration’s education proposals during the special session as a strong and important start for addressing the literacy crisis and education-related challenges laid bare by the pandemic. With nearly two-thirds of Tennessee’s third graders not proficient in reading and math – a number that has likely worsened due to the COVID-19…

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Agreed: $732+ million is WAY too much! Getting the TANF Reserve Amount Right

Half of all children ages 0 – 8 in Tennessee live in households with incomes below 200% of the federal poverty level — that’s $51,853 annually for a family of two adults and two children. The United Ways of Tennessee ALICE report (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) says a survival budget is $65,040 for that family of…

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Special Legislative Session Called at a Crucial Time for Getting Early Education Right in Tennessee

Governor Bill Lee has called a special legislative session, beginning Tuesday, January 19th, to prioritize passing a suite of education bills related to sagging literacy, learning loss, assessment and accountability and salary increases for teachers and other educational staff. With two-thirds of Tennessee’s third graders not proficient in reading and math – a number that…

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Mayor Jake Bynum – Weakley County, TN – On Early Education, PreK and Child Care

Mayor Jake Bynum of Weakley County, TN joined TQEE for our 2020 Day on the Hill to advocate for state policies that support quality early childhood education and, in turn, improved workforce and economic outcomes for Tennesseans. He shared his perspective with us on video, and was also joined in some of that video footage…

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Mayors Speak for Children at TQEE Day on the Hill

On February 19th, Mayors from counties across the state joined TQEE to emphasize the importance of policies that would allow for accessible and affordable childcare, expanded Pre-K and overall improved early learning. As Mayor Julian McTizic of Bolivar put it: “The future of our community and the future of our state depends on early childhood…

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Mayor McTizic – Bolivar, TN – On Early Education, PreK and Child Care

We were thrilled to have the support of Mayor Julian McTizic of Bolivar, TN at our 2020 Day on the Hill. Mayor McTizic joined us in advocating for improved early childhood education including expanded access to high-quality PreK and child care options for Tennessee families. Check out these videos below where the Mayor shared his…

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Lawmakers Respond to COVID-19 with Extraordinary Recess

On March 19th, the Legislature met its constitutional duty and passed an emergency state budget. Following the 14-hour session, lawmakers recessed until a time uncertain leaving much unfinished business. Among the early education legislation not considered are bills about pre-k expansion, child care, unspent TANF funds and most notably Governor Lee’s $68 million early literacy…

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Despite Recess, Early Learning Policies Make Progress

TQEE proposed our most robust policy agenda at the start of 2020. Legislation to expand pre-k, increase high quality child care seats and address unspent TANF funds progressed through the committee process. Those bills remain poised for action by the committees if the legislature reconvenes this year. If the legislature does not return for an…

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Early Childhood Advocates Rock State Capitol

We came. We saw. We did a lot of good for Tennessee kids. On February 19th, TQEE advocates from across the state joined together to stand for policies to increase the number of high-quality, affordable childcare seats, expand Pre-K and improve early literacy proficiency, to name a few. As Mayor Julian McTizic of Bolivar put…

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Become a Loud Voice

A child yelling into a megaphone