Educators Make all the Difference.

90% of Tennesseans agree that ensuring every classroom has a high performing teacher would do a lot to prepare a child for success in school and life. Children who have access to quality early education are significantly better prepared for later grades. It is imperative that we ensure that excellent early grades teaching is accessible and affordable.

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.”

Brad Henry


Better education begins

Join the 20,000 coalition members helping us build a better future for children in Tennessee


    We support policies that help provide comprehensive professional development for early grades teachers focused on the four pillars of high-quality early grades instruction


    Expanding the use of knowledge-rich, developmentally-appropriate and inquiry-based curriculum in the early grades will help build a better foundation for future education.


    Many effective teachers are moved to higher grades in order to improve overall test results, but quality education starts from pre-k, and we need effective teachers to provide that quality

     Invest in Early Education. Our Future Starts Today. Join Us.

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