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Author: Blair Taylor


In education, teachers are where the rubber meets the road. Simply put, teaching is the number one contributor to student achievement. The work of early grade teachers is especially critical to help kids establish a strong learning foundation that enables them

We found this great article from PBS and thought you'd appreciate the useful tips and info - including how to make a gratitude jar! According to the Harvard University Healthbeat, “Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their

Sometimes a picture says a lot. Hunter is building a tower out of colored blocks with his mom and his friend Tevri at home. It’s a photo that was years in the making, in part because of his involvement in one

TQEE congratulates Bill Lee on his election victory and stands ready to work with the new governor and the Tennessee General Assembly to improve the state’s public education system. “Throughout the campaign, Bill Lee expressed a commitment to prioritize education for

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