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Jenny White

Jenny White

Marketing and Communications Director

Jenny White is TQEE’s marketing and communications director. She is passionate about sharing the true stories of everyday life in Tennessee, with lawmakers to make a difference for all little kids. She strives to make the information from “on the hill” understandable and accessible to all Tennesseans. She strives to bridge the gap between Tennessee politics and the Tennessee resident.  Jenny uses communication and social platforms to unite and mobilize early childhood education advocates. Prior to joining TQEE Jenny worked as the spokesperson and marketing director for an early education AI company. She is passionate about the importance of early education and may have been seen presenting  research-based early learning options on infomercials and television programs. Jenny received her B.S. degree in Religion from Liberty University. Her favorite children’s book it The Roly-Poly Egg by Kali Stileman. Her three children, Carson, Owen, and Logan take turns deciding who is “the egg” during their nightly story time.

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A child yelling into a megaphone