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Know Before You Vote

State legislative primaries are over, and the next stop for our advocates is the General Elections on November 5. Be sure to make your voice heard for Tennessee’s youngest learners!

To find out where your voting location is, to learn who is running, and for more voting information follow the link below.

But before you vote, ask the candidates where they stand on prioritizing early care and education. Are they aligned with Tennessee voters about the importance of investments in our young children? Will they be an early childhood champion?

We surveyed TN voters and they are overwhelmingly supportive – let’s make sure TN’s state policymakers are too!

1. Did you know :

FACT: Nearly 60% of TN 3rd graders aren’t at grade level proficiency in math and english language arts.

TN VOTERS SAY: 88% say birth through third grade provides the building blocks for all future learning.

ASK YOUR CANDIDATE: Do you view early childhood care and education as valuable to getting Tennessee children to 3rd grade math and english language arts proficiency?

2. Did you know?:

FACT: Tennessee’s Voluntary Pre-K program is available to less than a quarter of all four-year-olds; and most school districts have wait lists.

TN VOTERS SAY: 90% support increasing state funding for the voluntary Pre-K program to allow every 4-year-old the option to attend.

ASK YOUR CANDIDATE: Do you value increasing state funding for Pre-K so it’s an option for more Tennessee children ?

3. Did you know?:

FACT: Child care costs more than in-state college tuition in Tennessee.

TN VOTERS SAY: 87% favor expanded child care assistance for low and middle-income families, so that parents can afford to work

ASK YOUR CANDIDATE: Do you support expanded child care assistance for more working families?

4. Did you know?:

FACT: Early educators in TN are among the lowest paid workers, but serve in one of the most important occupations.

TN VOTERS SAY: 87% favor increased state payments for subsidized child care so providers can afford to hire well-qualified teachers. 

ASK YOUR CANDIDATE: Do you back increased state payments to child care providers to support well-qualified teachers?

Get to the polls and be a loud voice for little kids!

Become a Loud Voice

A child yelling into a megaphone