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We are a non-profit, bipartisan coalition of organizations and individuals committed to early childhood education as an essential foundation and urgent priority for a thriving Tennessee.

We are your eyes and ears for issues and legislation that can affect our future.  But we cannot do it alone.  We need your help and contributions to make sure that our collective future is bright.

We need:

  • Individuals to donate, join our email lists and FB community to enable critical activities
  • Businesses to donate critical funds that affect their employees lives and future workforce
  • Faith-based groups to support us with their powerful communities
  • Law enforcement organizations to partner with us so that future citizens have a strong foundation to contribute to our society
  • Educators to give us support and stories of how early education can change entire communities
86% of Tennesseans agree

Early education, from birth to 2nd grade, provides the building blocks of all learning

Research is clear that early math and literacy deficits start well before 3rd grade.  Many of us take for granted that the earliest learning is being taken care of at home.  But the learning gap between advantaged and at risk children shows up as early as 9 months of age, and at-risk children can start kindergarten as much as 18 months behind their peers. Many of these children never catch up, and are at great risk of dropping out of high school.

Where you live should not determine if or how you live.  The majority of Tennessee’s 3rd graders are not proficient in math and reading. Yet 3rd grade is a pivotal year for future academic success.

That’s why Tennessee needs to strengthen early learning — in the classroom, at childcare centers and at home.

Will you support TQEE’s work to improve the quality of early education in Tennessee?

Please join us today

Become a Loud Voice

A child yelling into a megaphone