TQEE is a bi-partisan, coalition made up of of business, law enforcement, faith, education and civic organizations and people in communities across Tennessee, fighting to make high-quality early education, birth through third grade, an urgent priority. We support policies that will build a strong early foundation for academic achievement, workforce development and prosperity in Tennessee .
The efforts of TQEE are supported by industry professionals,
families & thought leaders in Tennessee.
Beth Rhinehart
CEO, Bristol Chamber of Commerce
Recruiting new businesses to our region depends on a skilled workforce. Development of essential workforce skills begins in the earliest years of a child’s life when the brain is developing the most.
Rev. Kenneth Robinson, MD
CEO United Way of Mid-South
Recruiting new businesses to our region depends on a skilled workforce. Development of essential workforce skills begins in the earliest years of a child’s life when the brain is developing the most.
Candice McQueen
TN Commissioner of Education
Literacy is the civil rights issue of our time. If we are going to get it right, we must start early.
David Rausch
Knoxville Police Chief
I am proud to support the work of TQEE. Law enforcement leaders see firsthand and the research is clear that high-quality early learning programs set our children up for success and can steer kids away from crime.