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Don’t forget to vote early or Aug 1!

Hey parents, grandparents, educators, and early childhood advocates! Want to make a real difference in your community? Here’s a hot tip: your vote can shape the future of early education in Tennessee.

Early voting has started for Tennessee state legislative primary elections! To find out where your voting location is, to learn who is running, and for more voting information follow the link below.

Why Your Vote Matters for Early Childhood Education in Tennessee

Here’s a few good reasons why your vote can make a difference:

1. Influence Education Policy

Local and state governments set the rules for our kids’ education. By voting, you can back candidates who get that early education is crucial.

2. Invest in Future Success

Kids in great early education programs are more likely to ace school, graduate, and have successful careers. Voting for candidates who push for better early education is like giving every child a supercharged start in life.

3. Close the Opportunity Gaps

Not all kids get the same start. Low-income and minority communities often miss out on top-notch programs. By voting, you can support leaders who want to level the playing field. It’s about giving every kid a fair shot, no matter where they come from.

4. Boost Economic Growth

Good early education doesn’t just help kids and families—it’s a win for the economy too. It leads to a stronger workforce, lower crime rates, and less strain on healthcare. Voting for early education is like investing in a thriving, happy community.

So, gear up, get registered, and head to the polls. Your vote is your voice—use it to grow a brighter future for all Tennessee kids!

Become a Loud Voice

A child yelling into a megaphone