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BSTN: Growing the Early Educator Workforce

Based on requests from our Bright Start communities for support tackling the shortage of early educators, we kicked off a community of practice which began at our ALIGN summit in September 2023. Looking back over a year of workshops and learning seminars, we learned a lot together, and showcased some great innovators around the state. Below you can find the videos and resources in one place for future reference as your Bright Start teams continue to grow the early educator workforce.

ALIGN – Sep 2023. At our first annual Bright Start TN conference, workshops engaged teams in developing strategies to grow the early educator workforce. Here’s a robust set of resources compiled to inspire and inform the work.

Dec 1, 2023: We learned from the fabulous Dr. Elizabeth Staples who heads up Germantown High School’s ECE career and technical education program.

Feb 2, 2024:  We talked with with Kate Hall, Associate Director of Tennessee’s Grow Your Own Center to learn about our state’s educator apprenticeship model.  We also discussed New Mexico’s early educator marketing campaign as a starting point to our conversation on what we need in Tennessee.  

Apr 5, 2024: We interviewed Albert Wat, Senior Policy Director with the Alliance for Early Success to learn from a national leader about what other states and localities are doing to support and grow early educator compensation.

Aug 2, 2024: We talked with Kelly Maupin, TECTA Director at Dyersburg State Community College Kelly Maupin, and Patty Sharp, Coordinator of Early Childhood Education at Dyersburg State, to learn more about their incredible work establishing high school as an on-ramp to the early educator profession. Read the full story.

We’re excited to continue learning about solutions our Bright Start teams are deploying, and to advocating alongside you “on the hill” for important state level policies and investments to support TN’s early educator workforce. We’re also thrilled to join you in lifting up the important career field of early education, and celebrating early educators through our new TN Early Educator Awards.

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