What is it?
ParentCorps is a program that helps parents and teachers create safe, nurturing, and predictable home and classroom environments for young children. The three components of ParentCorps include professional learning for educators, a parenting program, and a social-emotional learning classroom curriculum. The program consists of 14 weekly sessions, which are held on school campuses and led by mental health professionals and pre-K teachers or staff.
What is the evidence base?
Parents who participate in ParentCorps develop effective parenting practices, such as creating a safe, nurturing, and predictable home environment. Children demonstrate fewer child behavior problems in school, lower levels of mental health problems, improvements in school readiness, and higher teacher-rated academic performance in second grade.
- Brotman et al_2011_Promoting Effective Parenting Practices and Preventing Child Behavior Problems in School Among Ethnically Diverse Families from Underserved, Urban Communities
- Brotman et al_2016_Effects of ParentCorps in Prekindergarten on Child Mental Health and Academic Performance: Follow-up of a Randomized Clinical Trial Through 8 Years of Age